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  1. 本檢疫條件所稱輸入貨品使用之木質包裝材料(以下簡稱木質包裝材),指使用於承載、包裝、鋪墊、支撐或固定貨物之木質材料,如木板箱、木條箱、木質棧板、木質拖盤、木框、木桶、木軸、木楔、墊木、枕木及襯木等。但有下列情事之一者,不在此限:
    1. 厚度未超過六公厘。
    2. 經高溫加壓方式膠合。
    3. 經油漆、染色劑處理。
    4. 經木焦油或其他防腐處理。
    5. 已盛裝酒類之木質容器。
    6. 已盛裝菸酒或其他商品之木製禮盒。
    7. 永久固定於船機具及貨櫃之木質材料。
    8. 木質包裝材承載之貨品為零下 17.8℃以下,且貨品輸入時仍維持零下 17.8℃以下狀態。
  2. 木質包裝材輸出前應在輸出國政府檢疫機關監督下,依國際植物保護公約所發布之國際植物防疫檢疫措施標準第十五號規定之下列檢疫處理方式之ㄧ進行處理:
    1. 溴化甲烷(Methyl bromide,CH3Br)燻蒸:最低溫度不得低於 10℃,燻蒸時間最少應為 24 小時。
      溫度 24 小時間濃度時間積
      CT(g.h/ m3)
      處理 24 小時後最低濃度
      21℃以上 650 24
      16℃以上,未達 21℃ 800 28
      10℃以上,未達 16℃ 900 32


      溫度 劑量
      2 小時 4 小時 12 小時 24 小時
      21℃以上 48 36 31 28 24
      16℃以上,未達21℃ 56 42 36 32 28
      10℃以上,未達16℃ 64 48 42 36 32
    2. 熱處理(Heat treatment):木質包裝材中心溫度達到 56℃,處理三十分鐘以上。
  3. 木質包裝材進行檢疫處理後,輸出前應蓋有符合國際植物保護公約所發布之國際植物防疫檢疫措施標準第十五號規定章戳,其樣式範例說明如下:


    1. IPPC:《國際植物保護公約》的英文縮寫符號
    2. XX:國際標準化組織(ISO)規定的 2 個字母國家編號
    3. 000:輸出國官方植物檢疫機構批准的木質包裝生產者的獨特數位編號
    4. YY:國際植物保護公約所採用的批准措施,如溴化甲烷燻蒸-MB;熱處理-HT
  4. 未符合本檢疫條件之木質包裝材,輸入人得選擇依第二點規定進行檢疫處理、銷燬或 併同輸入貨品退運。有下列情形之一者,植物檢疫機關得要求併同輸入貨品退運處理:
    1. 因體積龐大或其他因素,現有檢疫處理設施無法處理。
    2. 木質包裝材與輸入貨品無法分離,且輸入人不同意貨品和木質包裝材併同進行處理。
  5. 木質包裝材經修補、重組及再製,重複使用前應再經核可方式處理並蓋上合格章戳。

Quarantine Requirements for Wood Packaging Material used in Imported Commodity

  1. Wood packaging material (WPM) shall cover wood cases, crates, skids, pallets, wooden trays, wooden frames, drums, wood axle, wood cleat, dunnage, sleepers and packing blocks which are used in loading, packing, mating, supporting or fixing the commodity. The following articles are exempted from the requirements:
    1. wood packaging material made entirely from thin wood (6 mm or less in thickness).
    2. wood packaging made wholly of processed wood material, such as plywood, particle board, oriented strand board or veneer that has been created using glue, heat or pressure, or a combination thereof.
    3. painted or stained.
    4. treated by tar or other preservatives.
    5. barrels contain liquor.
    6. gift boxes for wine, cigars and other commodities made from wood that has been processed and/or manufactured in a way that renders it free of pests.
    7. wood components permanently attached to freight vehicles and containers.
    8. carrying deep frozen commodities (below -17.8℃ or 0℉) and remain under the temperature condition until arrival.
  2. WPM shall be treated prior to export by one of the following methods in accordance with International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15) under the supervi- sion of the plant quarantine authority of the exporting country.
    1. Methyl bromide (MB) fumigation:

      The minimum standard for methyl bromide fumigation treatment is as follows:

      Temperature CT(g.h/ m3)
      over 24 h
      Minimum final concentration
      (g/m3) after 24 h
      21℃ or above 650 24
      16℃ or above 800 28
      10℃ or above 900 32

      CT: concentration-time product.

      The minimum temperature of the wood and its surrounding atmosphere must be not less than 10 °C and the minimum exposure time must be not less than 24 hours.

      Example of a treatment schedule that achieves the minimum required CT:

      Temperature Dosage
      Minimum concentration(g/m3)
      2 h 4 h 12 h 24 h
      21℃ or above 48 36 31 28 24
      16℃ or above 56 42 36 32 28
      10℃ or above 64 48 42 36 32
    2. Heat treatment (HT):
      WPM should be heated to achieve a minimum wood core temperature of 56℃ for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  3. WPM treated by the approved measures should be marked in accordance with ISPM 15. Example of the specified mark is shown below:

    The mark should include the:

    • IPPC symbol
    • XX: ISO two letter country code
    • 000: unique number assigned by the NPPO to the producer of the WPM.
    • YY: the approved measure ued (MB: methyl bromide fumigation; HT: heat treatment)
  4. WPM which does not comply with the quarantine requirements as described above shall be treated by methods described in Article 2 or destroyed or reshipped with the imported com- modity on importer’s request.
    • The treatment can not be carried out in current treatment facilities due to the size of the WPM or other reasons.
    • The WPM can not be separated from the commodity and importer disagrees the com- modity to be treated together with WPM.
  5. WPMs that undergone process of repairing, reconstruction or remanufacturing shall be re-treated by methods described in Article 2 and marked properly as Article 3.

木質檢疫熱處理Heat Treatment(HT)

  1. 木質熱處理依據國際植物防疫檢疫措施標準第十五號(ISPM 15)規定,有效日期並無規範。惟處理後木質包裝材料之保存狀態,依存放之場所環境而有差異,其避免放置潮濕環境,以致生蟲,出口廠商應盡速使用完畢避免發生困擾;另使用溴化甲烷燻蒸處理,其規定21天內必須輸出,係為蒙特婁公約規範。
  2. 凡經過高溫高壓處理之膠合板(俗稱:美麗板、三合板),無論新製或回收均不須檢疫處理。
  3. 熱處理流程需前一天將當天要執行之棧板或木箱等木質物品明細(熱處理日報表)向防檢局報備立案。而之後如要開立證明,則以日報表為依據。如未傳日報表立案,而自行執行熱處理,則防檢局則不予以承認。
  4. 熱處理完成後,兩側蓋上熱處理檢疫章。

  5. 目前運往美國、澳洲、歐盟之木製品只需執行熱處理後並蓋上IPPC之檢疫章即可,不需要附上出口國之檢疫證明,如需證明可申請民間證明。
  6. 可至www.baphiq.gov.tw行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局網站查詢相關資訊。